News Overview

Currently showing all news items posted in 2006. News items are available for these years:

Anope 1.7.18 released

The Anope team starts the new year with the next development release, Anope 1.7.18. Since the previous release, we have been working on the MySQL subsytem to improve stability and security of this code. Next to that, we have added support for encryption modules, finally including support for encrypting passwords with proper MD5 or SHA1.

Next to these two major improvements there are quite a few bugs fixed, including bugs related to module code, internal events, various typo’s in the language files, and some IRCd-related issues.

Please note that, due to the big changes, this release might not be as stable as previous development releases. The new MySQL and encryption code have been found stable enough to release to the public, but they might still have undiscovered quirks.

Be sure to check Changes.conf for encryption-related changes to the configuration file. Users of MySQL should also note that the MySQL scheme has been changed in this release and needs to be updated. This can be done using the updates in Changes.mysql.

The source and Windows binaries can be downloaded from SourceForge.

Posted on 31 Dec 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Anope 1.6.5 released

After more than a year since the release of Anope 1.6.4, the Anope Team brings forward a minor update to the stable series of Anope. An issue with modern versions of perl caused Anope 1.6.4 to not compile correctly on a number of modern systems. The release of Anope 1.6.5 fixes this issue.

Please note that this update is meaningless for anyone already running a development version (1.7.x) of Anope.

The source for this release can be downloaded from SourceForge.

Posted on 11 Nov 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Anope 1.7.17 released - URGED TO UPGRADE

The Anope team would like to announce the immediate availability of Anope 1.7.17. This version is the latest in the development series of Anope and fixes a possible remote exploit when used with MySQL. This possible exploit is present in nearly ALL 1.7-versions of Anope and we therefore urge anyone running Anope 1.7.1 or newer to upgrade to 1.7.17 as soon as possible.

This release also includes a number of other MySQL related fixes, which should patch the current MySQL code sufficiently to be used safely, as well as minor fixes to compiling and anoperc.

PLEASE NOTE: The MySQL schema has been changed in this release. Please consult the Changes.mysql file for MySQL queries to update your tables for use with Anope 1.7.17; Anope won’t function correctly when using MySQL without these adjustments!

Anope’s Quality Assurance team has reviewed various code sections related to the issues fixed in Anope 1.7.17. On their advice the proposed release of 1.8.0 will be postponed to allow the development team to clean up various sections of code. During this time, some additional features postponed during the feature freeze will be added to the development branch for inclusion in the stable 1.8 series.

The new release can, as always, be downloaded from SourceForge.

Posted on 17 Oct 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Anope 1.7.16 released!

After many weeks of testing Anope 1.7.15, we found a small number of bugs and oddities which have been fixed in this release. Due to the number and the kind of bugs fixed, we require another testing period. We would like to get as many people as possible to test Anope 1.7.16 and report any bugs found to our bugtracker, located at

Highlights include support for the latest Platform SDK on Windows, improved support for plexus3, and various small language tweaks. Additionally, the MySQL code has been tweaked, make can now handle multiple jobs at the same time, and various compiler warnings have been eliminated.

Source and Windows Binary files can be downloaded from our file releases section at SourceForge.

Posted on 09 Oct 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

New modules site launched!

After 3 months of planning and coding, the new Anope Modules site has finally launched today.

Users are now able to browse the entire site, search modules and upload their own creations. The new site also makes it easier to see which versions of Anope are compatible with which module.

The site also provides users who run Anope on Windows the oppertunity to download pre-compiled modules. These files are compiled and supported by the Author. This is the first time such files have been offered from an official Anope site.

For more details and to browse around the new modules site, visit

Posted on 30 Sep 2006 by heinz (Read More...)

Anope 1.7.15 released! [updated]

This release contains a huge number of bugfixes, resulting in an empty bug-tracker at the time of release. We would like to get as many people as possible to test this release and report any found bugs on our bugtracker, located at This release is a complete feature freeze for our upcoming new stable release, 1.8.0, and therefore requires as much testing as possible.

Highlights in this version include the removal of the old KillClones code; session limiting should be used at all times. We also moved the previously bundled ns_noop module into the core, and improved Windows-support by adding support for Visual Studio 2005. The complete list of changes can be found in the changelog, bundled as the Changes file, or to be found on SourceForge.

The precompiled Windows versions from now on require the Visual C++ 2005 Runtimes, and version 5.0 of MySQL. Older versions are no longer supported by our precompiled binaries.

This release can be downloaded from our file releases section at SourceForge.

Update: The Windows installers have been re-uploaded after an issue was discovered. The md5 sums in the release notes have been updated to reflect the changes. Thanks to Jobe for letting us know of this issue.

Posted on 08 Aug 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Anope 1.7.14 released [updated]

This release of Anope adds support for the Charybdis IRCd, contains several fixes for the amd64 architecture, and fixes a number of small memory leaks and other minor bugs. In addition to this, the german and french language files have been updated, a number of compilation issues and related stuffs have been fixed, and some sanity checks have been added or improved. The complete list of changes and the complete release notes can be found on SourceForge.</p><p>Patch files have not been provided on the past few releases to evaluate the necessity of them. There have been little to no requests for a patch file. If required, they can still be requested on our support channel.</p><p>This release can be downloaded from our file releases section at SourceForge.</p><p>Update:
The download servers of SourceForge didn’t mirror the source file correctly. The source file has been re-uploaded and it should be freely downloadable from now on.

Posted on 27 Mar 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Recruitment Over.

After a month we have received several emails from candidates. We will now sort them out, and select the best fits. Thank you for your support and expect an annoucement shortly.

Posted on 27 Feb 2006 by dengel (Read More...)

Anope on Frappr!

Add yourself or your network to the map at Frappr!. It will be interesting to see where Anope users log from. This tool enables an easy view on a world-wide map plot.

Posted on 12 Feb 2006 by dengel (Read More...)

New Website Online

It has taken some time, but the new site is finally online. We once again are able to host our own forums, and have a fully working bug tracker once again.</p>

This new site allows us to add more information and facilities than our old site did. We currently offer a web-based version of the FAQ and links to documentation for users and developers. Copies of the documentation bundled with anope and other helpful resources will be added later.

We want to thank SearchIRC for hosting forums for us during the time we were unable to do so. Pay them a visit sooner or later, they're a great site even without Anope forums ;) Please use the forums on our site from now on, as the forums on SearchIRC will be shut down in the near future.

Posted on 02 Feb 2006 by GeniusDex (Read More...)

Anope is recruiting!

We have opened a few positions for the Anope Project. Some are technical, others are not. If you are into Anope, want to help and be part of the next stable release, please read on.

We posted several opening at describing the positions. It is all for the money, fame, and glory. Well… there is no money involved. And the fame is very little. But the glory makes up for it all. Consider that Anope is one of most used set of IRC services in the world. Our customer base include thousands of IRC networks from small to mega-huge. We make IRC a more civilized place to inhabit.

Take a look at our recruitment page.

Posted on 02 Feb 2006 by dengel (Read More...)