Anope 2.0.12 Release

Anope 2.0.12 has been released, which contains mostly bug fixes but also a few new features.

The notable changes includes:

Added account confirmation to the web panel
Added the regex_pcre2 module which provides regex/pcre with PCRE2
Documented the cs_no_expire channel default
Fixed config validation mistakenly allowing spaces in some fields
Fixed the bahamut protocol module not knowing about halfops
Fixed writing a flatfile database not being atomic
Updated the hybrid protocol module for recent protocol changes

All users are recommended to upgrade.

SHA256 Sum: eeba1331eaa02a0b05347209604e22df8052d9b10fd19a7633ad1e837f003ff0 anope-2.0.12.tar.gz
SHA256 Sum: 1e9a8f07f04d16fd73dac44b1e9dcfe382220a6c1e8248f50aeabc65c16e92d5 anope-2.0.12.exe

Posted on 10 Dec 2022 by Sadie